1 June 2024
On the occasion of International Children’s Day, known also as Universal/World Children’s Day, a special cultural program for children was prepared at Icherisheher. This program was called “HERITAGE FOR CHILDREN” and included children’s group visits to located here numerous historical monuments and cultural centres. As a part of this program, on June 1, an excursion was held in the Baku Marionette Theatre. The event familiarized a group of our young visitors with the art of a marionette puppetry. The theatre’s artistic director assist Heyran Gorchu guided the children during that excursion. Our actors Matanat Yagubova, Nazim Huseynov and Hikmet Aydinoglu also took part in the event.
29 April 2024
Famous animation artist, director, screenwriter and actor from Moscow Garry Bardin has visited Baku Marionette Theatre on April 29. Known for his unforgettable cartoons in the plasticine and other puppet animation techniques, Garry Bardin is the winner of the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and five Nika awards for the best animation film, and also the laureate of the Russian Federation State Prize. Harry Bardin visited the show of "Leyli and Majnun" and praised the work of our theatre.
8 April 2024
At the awarding ceremony held in Baku Marionette Theatre on April 8, 2024, "Icherisheher" State Historical-Architectural Reserve Administration presented special diplomas to Mak'TAB (Historical Monuments’ Restoration School) graduates. Among the guests there were the Milli Majlis Members, university rectors, management representatives of the State Service for the Cultural Heritage Protection, Development and Restoration, the Management Center of the Reserves of the State Tourism Agency, Baku City Executive Authority, the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS, other cultural and public figures representing state and private institutions including international organizations.
15 March 2024
The Heritage Cultural Association of Azerbaijan in Geneva has invited Baku Marionette Theatre to visit Switzerland in the second half of March 2024 to perform the show of “Arshin Mal Alan” on the stage of the “Les Salons” Theatre of Geneva, and also exhibit there our marionettes and scenery of the “Leyli and Majnun” show. For this reason, the Theatre had to suspend its performing in Baku until our stage props are delivered back to Azerbaijan, most probably in mid-April.
2 February 2024
Noh is a major form of classical Japanese dance-drama that has been performed since the 14th century. These days at the Heydar Aliyev Centre the Noh show was performed for the first time in Azerbaijan. Hosho Theatre School led by Hosho Kazufusa presented this magnificent show to the Baku audience. And on February 2, the team of Hosho Theatre School visited Baku Marionette Theatre. The guests got acquainted with our theatre and watched the show of "Leyli and Majnun". They were impressed very much. And now our theatre is invited to perform in Japan.